Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking about success

Hard work




      In my opinion, I think hard work is defiantly number one. Without working hard you wouldn't get anywhere in life. Its like math, if you don't work hard and practice everyday then you wont be successful and get the results you want back. Hard work will pay off. If you sit around hoping to win the lottery or hoping someone will just come up to you and offer you a job, then you will be waiting all of your miserable life. Theres a reason why if you work hard, for example at gym, you will gain muscle and become more fit. I chose skill for number two because skill goes along the lines of hard work. Even if you absolutely are horrible at painting, with enough hard work and practice you will be skillful. Yes, some people are born with some abilities and gifts but they also have to work hard to get to the top with their skill. I chose opportunity next because an opportunity is in the middle of luck and hard work. To get an opportunity in life shouldn't be taken for granite since its rare for a lot of people.  Opportunity usually comes to those who have worked really hard and are good at their job. Rare occasions only happen to very lucky people. I chose luck last because in my opinion luck is based off of nothing. You don't have to work for anything and if everyone in the world waited for a lucky moment then we wouldn't have a dependable community.

                                                              Man working hard 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What I learned today

      Today I learned about a store, that I never had heard about, called Zara.  Zara is located in a small town in NorthWestern Spain called Arteixo and it all started off by them developing a high centralized design, manufacturing, and forming a distribution system. Almost two decades ago Zara first introduced the idea of fast fashion, which resulted in a huge success all over Europe. To this day, Zara is very known and popular across Europe. For example, Kate Middleton and her sister, Pippa, have actually been photographed wearing their "adorable" clothing line. But when Zara finally moved into the United States, it was no longer popular. A big reason for its downfall in the US is because they don't participate in the "Vanity Sizing". A majority of woman in America cant wear form fitting clothes like European and Chinese woman can. The obesity rates are lower in Europe and is actually almost non existent in Asia. To gain more sales and popularity, Zara would have to redesign their whole clothing line since 30 to 40 percent of the U.S is considered obese.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Dear Mom, 
      I’m guessing by the shipping address you already know, but I finally arrived to New York City! Oh Mom, I wish you could see how beautiful the city is in person and how diverge the culture is. After going through customs and trying to decide where I wanted to go, I didn't let the chance to roam the city by myself and get familiar to my surroundings. As I got closer to street where different languages were being spoken, I immediately heard a woman speaking spanish into her phone, which helped me a lot since I noticed I wandered too far and got lost. I politely talked to her explaining that I was new and terribly lost. You would never guess what happened after Angela helped me with different street names and her favorite restaurants, she actually invited me into her neighborhood. Everyone around me was speaking spanish and I felt like I was back home again!

        After meeting Angela’s friends and learning how to fit into a normal New York City routine, they all invited me to go shopping at a brand new store with them on saturday. I quickly agreed and road in the back seat of Angela’s husbands car, which was a new experience since back in Spain we walk everywhere. After what felt like forever, we finally pulled up to the store and I couldn't believe it. The store looked like a humongous mansion! Angela explained to me that the store had to be that size because American merchandise was growing and more consumers were buying and demanding for more. After walking around the store and getting lost a few times, a worker told me that the store was called a department store and it was even new to America! I noticed that there was not a lot of men shopping and it was mainly all woman. Even Angela’s husband didn't even want to come into the department store. After looking at everything I decided not to buy anything since I still need to find a job, but boy was that exciting!

       Im very fortunate for having Angela, since without her I would be sleeping on the streets with no job. I haven't mentioned it yet but she actually found me a job as a waiter for a sandwich shop down the road from where she lives. She also has been teaching me English everyday  and plans on meeting you whenever you decide to come over. But I will tell you, the first week is a culture shock and I wouldn't pal on going in with high expectations. Making the wrong turn or going a extra block can lead you into a segregated and racist community. Thankfully I have never experienced this but Angela and her husband have. I hope you are very healthy and decide to come.


 Your daughter